Yellow chamomile | Anthemis tinctoria | paper

about Yellow chamomile | Anthemis tinctoria | paper

Anthemis tinctoria or Cota Tinctoria

This flowering plant exists in a variety of sizes, it is the yellow looking cousin of chamomille, from which the common name of dyer's chamomille derives. It grows well all over the mediterranean coast line as a spring plant, often infact used also around easter celebrations.

The samples in collection, dating 2023, have all been produced with flowers recycled from the Easter flower carpets procession, a portuguese town collective effort to collect, store and craft beautiful flower carpet arrangemnets to be walked over during the Easter Sunday procession.

location | PT - recycled dye from Eastern carpets

year | 2023

collection | BioChromes - Cecilia's Personal Collection

colors | yellow

compounds | flavonoid,